Breaking Free from Toxic Relationships: A Women’s Therapy Approach

A toxic relationship is an unhealthy relationship characterized by emotional pain, suffering, and at times physical pain. Toxic relationships occur not only in romantic relationships but also in friendships, work dynamics, and families. A toxic relationship can significantly impact one’s emotional, physical, and mental well-being. If you’re unsure if you are in a toxic relationship…

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Building Self-Confidence Through Women’s Therapy in NYC

Blurry hearts reflecting from lights. With the help of a therapist for women in NYC, NY, you can build your confidence in a safe space. Get started with a women's therapist today!

What is self-confidence? Self-confidence or self-esteem refers to how a person views herself. Specifically, self-confidence relates to the worth and value a person places on herself. Low self-esteem occurs when a person experiences an overall negative opinion of oneself along with negatively evaluating and/or judging oneself. Low self-confidence is generally accompanied by negative self-statements, harsh…

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Building Confidence in the Workplace: Strategies for Women in NYC

A woman standing next to a white board while smiling. A women's issues therapist in Brooklyn, NY can help you practice assertiveness. Call today to begin!

Women often experience feelings of insecurity and self-doubt in the workplace. Many women struggle with imposture syndrome, doubting their own abilities and second-guessing their ideas and decisions. For women who are less seasoned in their careers, they may routinely doubt their own capabilities. And if you struggle with perfectionism, setting high standards for yourself, and…

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Navigating Homesickness: How Adolescents Can Seek Support During Summer Camp

Two girls swinging in a hammock at summer camp. If your teen is headed to summer camp & homesick, develop strategies for managing it here! As a therapist for women's issues in Brooklyn, NY, I am here to help.

Leaving home to go off to camp can be an exciting adventure. However, it’s normal for many adolescents to experience feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and homesickness. Navigating feelings of homesickness involves a combination of camp preparation, concrete strategies to use in the moment, as well as meaningful support. Read on for tips from a women’s…

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Therapy for Women in NYC: Overcoming Perfectionism

A woman looking at out at a city skyline while sitting on a mountain edge. If you struggle with the fear of failure, work with a therapist for women's issues in NYC, NY today. I can help you find coping skills for perfectionism.

It’s a natural human desire to want to achieve and experience success. Whether you’re striving to be promoted at work or obtain good grades in school, it’s completely understandable to feel motivated by success. Having high standards in itself is not a bad thing. However, if you find your high exceptions lead to feeling like…

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Embracing Your Body in Therapy for Women: Cultivating Positive Body Image

A woman sitting in a field of flowers holding a mirror & smiling at her reflection. If you struggle with body image concerns, reach out to begin therapy for women in NYC, NY. As a women's therapist, I am here to help!

Body image concerns or body dysmorphic disorder can profoundly impact the way you view yourself and your overall emotional well-being. Unrealistic perceptions of one’s body often lead to feelings of low self-esteem, low self-worth, and insecurity. Below are some common signs of body image concerns or body dysmorphic disorder: Common behaviors associated with body image…

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